44 Asset Holdings Ltd

About us

At 44 Asset Holdings we are passionate about giving a top rate personalized service to our clients. We want our clients to know just how important they are to us and so offer the highest quality service whilst striving to maintain the best quality products on the market while still maintaining a close professional relationship with each and every client, ensuring not only that we are completely in tune with their needs, but that they know they can trust us with every aspect of their business requirements. In today’s world, the personal touch is a feature that is fast becoming absent from business transactions. We believe this to be a great shortcoming for the business world and so we strive to provide the much needed technologically advanced services to clients, but on a personal basis and so not losing touch with exactly what our client requires from us. This attitude is the key to our success, and our success is the perfect platform for you to reach your own personal financial goals.

High Conviction

We base our high conviction recommendations on robust research methodologies and incisive analysis and have used this to develop our own range of proprietary funds, the New Capital Funds.

Responsible Investing

Responsible investing has become a fundamental consideration for investors. At 44 Asset Holdings, we give high importance to meeting the requirements of our investors in a transparent manner.

Thinking differently

We are not constrained to a benchmark or limited to any investment style and have a culture of independent thinking within a disciplined environment.

Our Investment Process

Macro views across long, medium and short-term time horizons. A portfolio managed with precision.

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